We work with families to maintain healthy relationships and minimize risks as they move through generational transitions.
It’s critical that families in business together develop legacy intelligence and are aligned on their vision of success. We guide family members as they articulate answers to questions such as:
What kind of enterprising family are you now?
What kind do you want to be?
Why as a family do you want to create a legacy enterprise together?
We help families look carefully at their unique strengths and at the risks they face as a result of the special conditions created by a legacy business or family wealth. This exercise culminates in a formulation of shared purpose that works for the family as a whole, for individual family members and for the family’s enterprise and/or family office.
Once families are in agreement about purpose, we design structures and processes for organization and governance that support confident progress towards their shared vision of the future.
Finally, we help families create customized financial, legal, organizational and relationship structures that are aligned with the shared purpose and goals.