Polina is a professional co-active coach and an active collaborator with The Lovins Group. Po began her professional career as a Certified Financial Planner™. She spent nearly twenty years in the fiduciary area of the wealth management industry, where she built close relationships with clients and their advisors, supporting a client-centric, holistic approach to managing wealth.

Po’s non-prescriptive approach allows clients to feel empowered to make decisions that are true to them, reflective of their values and authentic experiences, and focused on their unique intention and desire for impact.

It is Po’s passion to accompany people as they discover what is true for them, and how they can maintain and express their authentic stand individually, as a family, and in the context of their culture. She applies this commitment in her coaching practice, guided and supported by her training with Co-Active Professional Coaching Institute and Compassionate Inquiry™ methodology. Crediting her clients as being her best teachers, Po listens for the depth in their stories to honor and build from, not for symptoms to fix.

Po immigrated to the USA  as a Jewish refugee at age 13, from Taganrog, Russia, a city just an hour east of the Ukrainian border, at the time of the Soviet Union collapse. The experiences of straddling two cultures, of having roots in countries that are now at conflict with one another, and of seeing families starting over greatly inform her work with clients around how our ancestral history and trauma as well as our own experiences, shape our beliefs and may be limiting the expression of our fullest potential.

Besides being a Certified Financial Planner™ and Co-Active Professional Coach, Po holds a designation of Financial Life Planner® from Money Quotient, a research-based organization, which trains financial professionals to help clients develop a more successful and satisfying relationship with money. She is a member of the Purposeful Planning Institute and Financial Therapy Association and enjoys learning, co-creating and collaborating with professionals in a variety of disciplines.

“The world of money is complicated: full of mirages and insidious expectations, fear of ‘not enough’ and fear of ‘too much’. And it is also full of beautiful promises and possibilities that can lead to real change.”

Po holds a BA in History from Wesleyan University. Other studies include advanced estate planning and philanthropy course work at The American College of Financial Services. Po and her husband Tim live in a 1700s home in beautiful Granby, CT, watching their three children grow and blossom, and as often as possible sharing a sunrise or a sunset with them.